Experimental Work


Darwin triptych referencing the anniversary of 'On the Origin of Species' as well as the strong relevance to this work which came from the theme of 'Environment'. My initial research drove me towards the humble earthworm and its critical role in our own development as a species as well as its influence on a planetary scale. Without worms there may well be no soil, no vegetation-nutrients cycle. At one point in our own evolution, we may also have resembled something similar to the earth worm. Every living creature on Earth, from blue-green algae to elephants, to birds, bacteria and humans, are all directly related. You who reads this now are literally a distant blood relative of the microbes which currently reside in my own gut.
Darwin's discovery of evolution went against religious dogma, he believed in the existence of God but the truth he discovered went against everything that the Bible told regarding the origin of the earth, its creatures and its dependence on a supernatural being. It turned out that life had no Gods to thank, no higher authority than our own to answer to, life was nature and nature was not of God. This was disturbing for a committed Christian and his wife to countenance.
Life twitched into existence only once and all is from that, and all life is therefore one.